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E-Privacy & GDPR Diagnostics

Don’t leave it to chance! Get your online presence compliant with regulations.

The EU has passed important regulation around consumer privacy protection, and they have been implementing hefty fines for non-compliance. There are two main laws that are important for all companies to comply with: the ePrivacy Directive (i.e. the ‘Cookie Law’) and GDPR. There is also a law around sharing data outside of the EU that requires certain wording to be included on most EU websites.

For those who avail of our data privacy services, we provide a report that covers all the major aspects of cookie related compliance that can be assessed without access to your systems or internal staff. This audit requires zero interaction from you, as we look at what a potential complainant or regulator would look at without asking for any documentation. After the initial report, we can also provide a deep-dive audit that involves screening the company’s marketing and web analytics tools and platforms, and/or the company’s internal processes that a regulator might look into during an investigation.

What you get from the report


A pass/fail scorecard with the typical issues observed across websites


Detailed explanation of associated guidelines and best practices

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Recommendations tailored for your website

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List of items for further investigation

We look at the following privacy aspects of online data collection:
  • Adherence to cookie banner guidelines
  • Cookie and tracking behaviour (especially before consent is given, or when consent is not given)
  • Transparency on data collection and tracking technologies used
Adherence to cookie banner guidelines<br />
Cookie and tracking behaviour (especially before consent is given, or when consent is not given)<br />
Transparency on data collection and tracking technologies used<br />


Note that we are not a legal advisory firm. We are marketing and analytics experts who know the most typical errors in the area, which can be resolved with relatively little effort. Following the report does not eliminate the risk of regulatory fines if audited, but it significantly improves compliance and reduces this risk. For those looking for further, more in-depth advisory, we can refer our partner companies whose main focus is privacy law.

Making the complex digital landscape simple