Optimizing E-Commerce Strategy: Balancing Organic and Paid Search


Case Studies


Desire to understand organic and paid search cannibalization

Questions about which keywords perform better in paid ads vs. organic

Aim to optimize campaigns based on this analysis

Existing Google Ads report was inadequate

Lacked comprehensive analysis capabilities

Limited flexibility for deep analytical needs

E-commerce strategy
Data Driven Solutions


Established a Google BigQuery project

Set up data ingestion pipelines from Google Ads and Search Console

Merged data from both sources using advanced SQL techniques

Developed a detailed report in Power BI

Incorporated advanced visualizations and user-friendly filters

Enabled features for cross-account comparisons and view switching

Considered typo adjustments in brand names for accurate analysis


Delivered a robust SEO dashboard

Provided insights for identifying keyword-level improvement opportunities

Highlighted keywords causing excess paid spend over organic results

Showed instances where paid search ads were too expensive

Making the complex digital landscape simple